
We convene a hub for spiritual innovation.

Underpinning the crises of our world is a crisis of spirit. To turn the tide toward flourishing, we need new ways to address spiritual longings. We need spiritual innovation.

Spiritual innovation stands at a crossroads globally, with visionary innovators addressing spiritual longings creatively but facing overwhelming needs. Without sustained support, many efforts risk faltering. Today’s spiritual innovators need a thriving support system for leadership development, financial and operational sustainability, and ongoing connection and community.

At Sacred Design Lab, we are committed to convening and catalyzing the landscape of spiritual innovation to address these needs. A small but growing number of organizations such as the Fetzer Institute, Wesleyan Impact Partners, Faith Matters Network, Clal, Beloved, Soularize, the Unitarian Universalist Association, and the Chaplaincy Innovation Lab, as well as initiatives like USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture’s Engaged Spirituality Project and Thriving Congregations program and Ashoka’s Spiritual Changemakers Initiative, recognize spiritual innovation and are working to cultivate it. Multi-faith innovation incubators Glean Network and the Embrace Impact Incubator are helping new projects to get off the ground. There is palpable energy to cross a threshold into more holistic organizing for this movement.

As a collaborative, we are actively building toward the next phase of work to connect innovators, foster leadership, and develop sustainable financial models. We envision a thriving movement dedicated to addressing spiritual longings and transforming our world toward flourishing. Join us in helping to create a brighter, more spiritually nourished future.

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